The latest issue of CAMRA's Beer magazine has a debate about the measures beer is served in.
The Government is changing the law to allow pubs to serve beer in a two thirds of a pint measure. At the moment, the legal measures are a pint, a half pint and a third of a pint (known as a nip and now normally only seen at beer festivals).
The arguments for introducing the two thirds of a pint measure seem completely spurious to me. OK, sometimes you want to drink less than a pint. That's where the half pint comes in. The guy in the CAMRA magazine argues that not only is half a pint not enough but that it is "unmanly" to drink out of a half pint glass. I've never really encountered this attitude, even in pubs mainly frequented by "manly" types such as miners. And if you're that bothered about drinking out of a half pint glass, order a half in a pint pot. If you're at a beer festival where you don't get a new glass every time you go to the bar, there's an incentive to do this anyway as the half in the pint pot is likely to be nearer two thirds of a pint in most cases.
The way things are going, we could end up like Australia where each state not only has its own measures but different names for them as well.